Wilderness Faces Griselda Steiner Dedicated to the World Trade Center Victims
The Valley of the ShadowMiles David Moore Know that he murdered thirteen people in my town in the four years before this one--including a family of five in one fell swoop. The Killer's an expert housebreaker--I can vouch for that--and nobody's really sure what he looks like.
Conversations Seldom Overheard(Whistleblower) Arthur Meiselman I'll go to the Director. He's my friend. He was my mentor." "What? Who do you think is hunting you?
Undress Me Michael Bettencourt In a bar, Laura turns to Stefan and asks him to undress her by word of mouth, in his best mother tongue.
The Greed Gene Michael Bettencourt A young couple is told by their genetic counselor — the "genie of genes" — that their child has the greed gene, and there is nothing they can do to stop the expression of the gene. What are they going to do?