In considering what thoughts to share with readers this month I am turning to poetry, or perhaps I should say returning to poetry.
Choosing a topic each month is usually motivated
by and through my artistic practice and in that sense everything is based in autobiography and reflection. Having recently been inspired to return to poetry as a means of expression it seems appropriate to
share this with readers of Scene4.
All these poems have been written this month and in that sense reflect current thoughts and meditations. I am most grateful to the Editors for their encouragement
and support and to be given this forum as a means of sharing these words.
Wapengo Lake Cold Clear Sky
Who Just Sat and Listened
Royal Visit
Our Poem
The Young Concretor
Wapengo Lake
When all the light (and I mean all)
comes to this sea
the wind from the north a gentle message in a clear sky
we see the shimmering the silver in riches
Cold Clear Sky
A change of light a conflagration.
A celestial breath in the firmament,
it is possible to hear the sound of stars in winter.
Who Just Sat and Listened
On the 4th of September 1995 I returned to an empty house,
a wall of anger ran through me and around me.
It took a week for the wall to crumble, standing at the cash register at work the sobs rose up from a well way down low.
For 4 hours I sobbed and howled in the office out back of the store, Evelyn the manager came and went and when she could - just sat and listened.
3 days later my mother and father arrived
for 2 weeks they stayed their child, the grown man needed care
mother cleaned all the shelves and cupboards cleaned all the clothes and ironed shirts father tried to find me answers
but in the end - just sat and listened.
After they went home, the house slowly lost their comfort, shelves and cupboards returned to slight disorder
one by one ironed shirts were worn, never again to feel the same.
Hanging in its place I left one shirt untouched, now and again I would open the wardrobe to feel my mother in the sleeve.
10 years later we are speaking on the phone about the children, all of them young men now and mostly independent
you talk about wanting to see them more often
but it’s hard to arrange, you tell me about your new man and how things are working out.
In a moment of candour you speak of the past confessing it should never have happened.
Who would have thought that in the end it would be me, who just sat and listened.
A change of mind
a change of heart a step this way or that a moment held or given a step away from light naive or dark.
Is choice an invitation and if so by whom or what -
to dine on evidence of others who’ve - made their bed to lie.
Those millions - thoughts that lead to actions now or down the track - and then this what if that to pick up
to put down to left to right to leave to stay and on until a path or paths are found or trod or followed.
If everything is choice what is not
- to step from instinct to intuition - to love my wife - to love my children - to love the god of life - to say this.
The barometer of heart the judge and jury of the mind
the guides the angels assisting and the thoughts that tend to lead to actions that tend to lead to feelings that tend to lead to thoughts which sometimes are discoveries
that tend to lead to choices down the track.
The map of my life can only be seen by turning my head to the south and with the benefit of hindsight I see I am and have been
passenger and pilot messenger and message drawing and the drawn but with this I must ask is it that I am also a choice and if so by whom. Royal Visit
We were sitting in the study in the wee hours you on the couch
me leaning back in the office chair our speech soft and humble.
I could see through the hall to the kitchen, into view stepped the King of Rats he halted when our eyes met
holding for some moments.
Snake-like, his tail wrapped several times around the room. His gaze regal, considered me with no trace of fear while mine was possibly one of surprise
and slight supplication.
Unhurried he stepped off left the room and went on up the hall - I did not follow. You asked me who I’d seen yet in yours eyes I saw you knew the answer.
Later, servant like - I mopped the floor as if, on his return - chambers would be ready.
With each sweep of the mop I could hear them building; a rifle-crack of hardened wire
a snap of small bones breaking an aftermath of silence
the sounds of uprising.
Our Poem
I woke at 2.30am and left you sighing gently as you slept, checked the trap but found only droppings on the floor I set it again and hoped the rats would leave
- I would prefer not to kill anything.
The dog mawed and moaned at fleas, rubbing its back against the rail on the verandah,
it settled when I whished it back inside to sit (my mouth made that wist noise, the one you know the dog will hear but won’t wake the sleeping).
I lay on the red couch in the study and read Ray Carver. A return to Carver simplifying me. If not by sleep I was comforted by his weave of innocence and knowledge.
Ray started writing poetry in the year I was born (1957), I don’t know why I mention this, perhaps I feel him like a kindred spirit and am impressed by even the slightest connection.
Between the living and the dead are the sleeping. But being at rest is no excuse for ignorance. Ray is at rest - some 18 years. But his poems like me are alive and breathing.
The magpies begin their morning carol as I return to bed just before dawn. Your breath and skin have waited for me. When I wake again I am grateful our poem continues.
The Young Concretor
His fixed black eyes, like a womans turned to their sorrows - eight metres down in a hole dug for concrete.
His workmates calling from the rim see and hear only his nothingness “but he was just here a second ago".
His neck a broken spirit, fingernails torn away
where he flayed against the earth falling infinitely for one and half seconds.
The young concreter, his glide work carefuly finishing the edge of the slab - stepped back to admire
the reflected perfection of the sky.
His mother will receive the news before the slab is no longer a mirror, she will see him falling and think of the last time he called,
“but I only spoke to him yesterday"
where cedar creek falls
love of river rock stands
my gaze follows one wayward drop sent further by the breeze
the story of this place is kept by the rill and told by cicadas
who chorus in screams
she sits slightly away I see her back and her hair
and the delicate way her feet touch the water