Scene4 Magazine: Claudine Jones
Claudine Jones
manual labor & a six-buck chicken
Scene4 Magazine-inView

November 2011

Would waiting offstage for my cue these days be any different than the anticipation of that crust on my bread just out of the oven? I mean, I put thought, skill, talent & long years of experience into both. You should taste my handmade noodles. I don't even know where the inspiration comes idea pops into my head & I can't get it out until I've done my due diligence & then made it work.

Clearly, I'm on a roll with home cooking, so what does it mean to ride that wave of divine guidance & then get sidetracked once again by head shots?  My theater buddy N. is a retired drama teacher and she has herself quite a thing going, with some films & public interest shorts & plays—I could get the name of her photographer, slap that puppy. Get out into the middle of the burbling brook & see how slippery the stones are. 

See, that's why I hate having 'the discussion', whether out loud with my partner or worse interior with my brain at three a.m.  Who is N. anyway? And why was I born NOT photogenic let's analyze this...meaning everything to give up and what to gain, the sense of accomplishment? Didn't I already do this, for chrissakes & got my butt kicked by the San Francisco Chronicle criticfucker? Did I not meet strangers in parking lots who said wait, weren't you in [fill in the blank] you were great! and wasn't that the rare kick in the pants...

Now I've heard yet again that someone close to me is diagnosed with incipient Alzheimer's & I missed a chance to go up to see him with other family, so what the hell. I bust open a package of garbanzo flour & turn out the lightest, smoothest tasty pasta & we have enough for leftovers.

No more headshots for me.

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©2011 Claudine Jones
©2011 Publication Scene4 Magazine

Like an orthopedic soprano, Actor/Singer/Dancer Claudine Jones has worked steadily in Bay Area joints for a number of decades. With her co-conspirator Jaz Bonhooley, she also has developed unique sound designs for local venues. She's also a Senior Writer and columnist for Scene4.
For more of her commentary and articles, check the Archives


Scene4 Magazine - Arts and Media

November 2011

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