Scene4 - International Magazine of Arts and Media
Scene4 Magazine - Special Issue - "A Brief History of the Arts" - January 2011

January 2011

Scene4 Magazine -"Timendi causa est nescire" - Arthur Meiselman - January 2011

 timendi causa est nescire
the cause of fear is ignorance

Scene4 Magazine -"Art and Poltics" - Miles David Moore - January 2011

Art and Politics
the history of a relationship

Throughout human history, there have been two constants: the need to create art, and the need to create history. And just as constant has been the need of those who create the latter to solicit the total and unquestioning support of those who create the former.
Miles David Moore

Scene4 Magazine -From Shakespeare to Oklahoma" - Nathan Thomas - January 2011

From Shakespeare
to Oklahoma
a history of byways

Julie Taymor's new film of The Tempest is a "re-imagining" of Shakespeare's last play.  Well, that was what the announcer on the radio said. And this is where theatre history wakens the crank in me. First, all plays are re-imagined with every production.
Nathan Thomas

Scene4 Magazine -"Ballet - Dancing with History" - Catherine Conway Honig - January 2011

dancing with history

Catherine de Medici's sons, Charles IX and Henri III, shared her enthusiasm for the allegorical performances and ceremonial processions that originated in Italy and depicted ideas from Catholicism and chivalry. In spite of the brutality of 16th century France before, during and after the reign of Charles IX, he founded the Académies de Poésie et de Musique. His motives were not purely aesthetic, however.
Catherine Conway Honig

Scene4 Magazine -"Luang Pho Sila" - Janine Yasovant - January 2011

Luang Pho Sila

From the past to the present, Luang Pho Sila is a sacred Buddha statue which is venerated by the residents of Muang Thungsaliem in Sukhothai province. It has a long, mysterious history.
 It is assumed that the statue is over 800 years old and was discovered in 1929 by villagers who gathered the bat excrements from the Chao Ram cave. In the same year, the statue was transferred to Wat Thungsaliem temple. In 1986, it was stolen.
Janine Yasovant


Scene4 Magazine -"Paul Bowles" - Karren Alenier - January 2011

Paul Bowles
a rebellious history

Paul Bowles lived most of the years of the 20th century and was certainly a product of the Jazz Age, which he contributed to with his musical compositions and in the way he lived his life as a rebellious American who moved outside the norms established by the white middle class.
Karren Alenier

Scene4 Magazine -"One Who Falls Off Horses" - Les Marcott - January 2011

One Who Falls Off Horses

There's a telling moment in the acclaimed 2009 documentary Reel Injun, in which an elderly Navaho gentleman watches an old clip of himself falling off a horse in an old John Ford western.  He laughs it off, but in that instant you get a sense of how Hollywood for decades portrayed the Native American.  
Les Marcott


Scene4 Magazine -"Penelope and the Darkling" - Lia Beachy - January 2011

Penelope and the Darkling

A new year in a new decade always has me looking back at my own personal history and what inspired me to fashion a lifestyle of creativity. A lifestyle so full of uncertainties. It begins with my parents, of course, both artists who exposed their children to music, art, dance, theatre, literature, architecture and just about anything that was about the beauty and the emotion of it and not just the bottom line dollar. But my passion had its true birth in books. 
Lia Beachy

Scene4 Magazine -"An All Too Brief But Absolutely Divine History of Me" - Kathi Wolfe - January 2011

An All Too Brief But
Absolutely Divine
History of Me

Hi, I'm God.  I'm crazed. With wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, censorship (the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery removing a video from its "Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture" exhibit), sickness, envy, and recovering from my New Year's festivities, I barely have a chance to breathe.  But, though I'm the Perfect Being, I'm not free of ego. 
Kathi Wolfe

Scene4 Magazine -"Immortal Diva" - Renate Stendhal - January 2011

Immortal Diva
as old as a quirk

Our historical era has a love affair with the undead. Anne Rice, Stephanie Meyer & Co, True Blood, Let the Right One In, I Dracula… the list goes on. Wishful fantasy of a quickly aging society? No wonder an opera about an undead woman – The Makropulos Case – is hip right now.
Renate Stendhal

Scene4 Magazine -"A Brief History of Writing" - Michael Bettencourt - January 2011

A Brief History of Writing
By Design

Log shards under
maul's blow

(I feel the edge
split my skull,)

until rhythm and steel and
sharp tang of riven oak

(gnaw occiput, cleave atlas,
banish pelvis until)
Michael Bettencourt

Scene4 Magazine -"From These Roots" - Claudine Jones - January 2011

From These Roots

Soon after JJB arrived he began reacting to the music around our house. One of his all time favorites was a tiny Spanish maraca given to him ca. 3 months old, lying in the sun on the deck, by the little girls next door. Winding the pendulum clock ('Bong!') in the kitchen was a very early prerequisite to starting our day.
Claudine Jones

Scene4 Magazine -"From Desperate to Real" - Griselda Steiner - January 2011

From Desperate
to Real

Since I wrote a review of the film "Dairy of A Mad Housewife" in 1970, when political feminism was beginning to flourish, women in America have achieved great lifestyle freedoms, legal protection and career opportunities, but one choice many women still invest in is marriage.  While the demands of this domestic position have changed in the past 40 years, especially the need for most women to work, the dilemmas of long-term commitment, fidelity and child rearing remain the same. 
Griselda Steiner

Scene4 Magazine -"Just Another Day at the Brooklyn Home for Retired Art" - Elliot Feldman - January 2011

Just Another Day at the Brooklyn Home
for Retired Art
Elliot Feldman

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January 2011

Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine - International Magazine of Arts and Media. Copyright © 2000-2011 AVIAR-DKA LTD - AVIAR MEDIA LLC. All rights reserved.

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