Overheard at night on a beach in Miraflores.
“I waited until it was dark, really dark, no moon.
This is a surprise, you here, lying next to me.
The surprise is... I can't see you.
I can only hear you, and feel you.
Why are you whispering?
It's hot. Your skin is hot. You're wet.
Your skin's not hot. You're cool.
How do you know that? You're not pressed against me.
No, I'm not.
Why are we whispering?
For a long time I expected this to happen, I wanted it to happen, like a dream. But it faded, and other dreams came.
What do you mean fade?
You didn't come.
Now I'm here, like a dream, and it isn't fading.
What are you talking about? I don't remember you anymore. I don't remember what you look like. I can't see you here, now. I don't want to see you. I don't want you to see me, here, now. The time is gone.
Let me remind you.
How will you do that? Breathe in my ear, bite my lip, lick my skin?
All of that. We'll remember together and your skin will become hot and wet too.
You’ll be touching what you can’t see in the dark.
I’ll be touching your memory.
Shhhh. The time is gone. It's raining. It's almost dawn.
Now you're wet. Soon to be hot, soon to be seen.
You’re crazy, your voice is crazy.
Don’t say that, don’t say that.
Are you still here?
Good. Just wet, not hot, not seen. The time is gone.
And now I'm gone.
Whoever you are.”